FranciBlack's avatar


35 Watchers61 Deviations
Casi esta terminada mi familia de BJD, el lunes me envían la ultima cabeza que tendré en varios años, solo le faltara el cuerpo por un par de meses, estoy muy feliz, solo falta comenzara hermosearlos XD con ropa de calidad y cosas así, ademas que necesitan 3 disfraces de gryffindor de calidad, pero SADOL sera mi salvación, espero poder comprarlo pronto todo.


Almost family of BJD is finished, on Monday they will sent me the last head I'll have in several years, only the body was missing for a couple of months. I'm very happy, just need to start to put them beautiful XD with quality clothing and stuff like that, also I will need 3 quality costume gryffindor but SADOL be my salvation, I hope to buy them soon everything.
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I was tagged by :iconviria13:
Algo entretenido para hacer, a ver en que casa quedo XD

• [x] You are loud.
• [x] You like going to school to see your friends.
• [ ] You've had more than a couple detentions.
• [ ] You always have something to do on the weekends.
• [ ] You like to be the center of attention.
• [x] You get above average grades in school.
• [ ] You've been called bossy before.
• [ ] You're a bit of a daredevil / you like an adrenaline rush.
• [ ] You are athletic.
• [ ] You are one of the best players on your team.
• [x] You would do anything for your loved ones.
• [x] You like the color red.
• [x] Your favorite class is Transfiguration or DADA.
• [x] You would never break a promise.

• [x] You have many acquaintances, but only a handful of good friends.
• [x] You get average grades in school.
• [ ] You've been called boring before.
• [x] You don't like to brag about your achievements.
• [x] You value honesty.
• [x] You don't mind working hard to get what you want.
• [ ] You like the color yellow.
• [x] You have a job.
• [ ] You are athletic.
• [ ] You are a team player.
• [ ] You are in the middle of the social totem pole.
• [x] You are easily amused.
• [ ] You like helping others.
• [ ] Your favorite class is Herbology or Divination.
• [ ] You like the music played on the radio best.

• [ ] You get good grades in school.
• [x] You like to read.
• [x] Dumb people annoy you.
• [x] You are creative.
• [ ] You've been called a know-it-all before.
• [x] You hate cheating.
• [ ] People often want you to help them with homework or projects.
• [x] You are more into the creative arts: theatre, dancing, drawing, etc.
• [x] You are extremely logical in your way of thinking.
• [x] You are considered shy or quiet by people you don't know.
• [x] You like the color blue.
• [ ] Your favorite class is A History of Magic, Charms, or Care of Magical Creatures.
• [x] You tend to over analyze things.
• [x] You can focus and pay attention well.
TOTAL:10 (No esperaba ser Ravenclaw XD, pense que me saldría tra no soy tan matea si soñadora quizás XD )

• [x] You are very competitive.
• [x] You like the finer things in life.
• [ ] You think welfare is a waste.
• [x] You've made fun of someone in the past week.
• [x] You've been called a snob before.
• [ ] You think the end justifies the means.
• [x] You're not afraid to say something to someone else's face.
• [ ] You tend to think people are a bit jealous of you.
• [ ] You've made someone cry by just saying something to them.
• [ ] You tend to root for the villains in movies, books, etc.
• [ ] You are very good with words.
• [ ] Above all, you want to be successful in life.
• [ ] You like the color green.
• [x] You love to win.
• [x] Your favorite class is Potions or DADA.
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Test copiado

4 min read
Copiandole a una de mis amigas en de Devian rellenara el test XD, no quiero empezar a hacer los papers!!!!

Marca con una X las opciones que te representen. Suma el total de cada uno y multiplícalo por 5. Coloca de título en la nota: Soy __% masculino y ___% femenina.


[x] Amas los jeans.

[ ] Los perros son mejor que los gatos.

[x] Es chistoso cuando la gente se lastima.

[ ] Ir de compras es una tortura...

[ ] Las películas tristes apestan.

[ ] Tienes un videojuego de autos de carrera.

[ ] Jugaste con autitos Hot Wheels cuando chico.

[ ] En algún punto de tu vida quisiste ser bombero

[ ] Eres dueño de un Wii, PS3, PS2 o Xbox. (Nooo pero quiero una Wii T.T)

[x] Estuviste obsesionado con los Power Rangers. (Me gustaba Tommy como a todas contara como gay XD)

[x] Haz visto deportes en la tele.

[x] Vas donde tu papá por consejos. (cuando uno tiene que arreglar cosas de maestranza es mejor preguntarle al experto XD)

[] Tienes cientos de objetos de tu equipo favorito.

[] Es raro hacer un pijama party con muchas personas.

[x] Verde, negro, rojo, azul o dorado es uno de tus colores favoritos. (el azul me gusta)

[ ] Te encanta hacer locuras y no te importa lo que el resto piense.

[ ] Los deportes son entretenidos.

[x] Hablas con comida en la boca. (cancho limpio nunca engorda XD)

[x] Duermes con los calcetines puestos. (En invierno no queda otra)

[x] Conoces más de una marca de automóviles. (Si pero conozco repocos XD)

Total: 45%


[x] Amas ir de compras. (of course XD)

[x] Usas delineador. (a veces)

[x] Vas donde tu mamá por consejos o hablar. (ella me habla y molesta y molesta y molesta XD)

[ ] Consideras ser Cheerleader como un deporte. (noooooooooooo quemenlas XD)

[ ] Odias usar el color negro. (adelgaza y hay cosas lindas en negro XD)

[x] Te gusta ir al mall. (shiii)

[x] Te gusta usar joyas. (si cuando no me dan alergia suelo usarlas)

[ ] Lloraste viendo la película "Diario de una pasión". (noooo la película mala esa, asquerosa preguntenme por otra todas las otras lloro)

[x] Ir de compras es uno de tus hobbies. (compras por internet wiii)

[ ] No te gustan las películas de Star Wars. (no seria nerd XD)

[ ] Tu haces o hiciste gimnasia rítmica o artística. (jamás! primero me matan XD)

[x] Te toma como 1 hora ducharte, vestirte, y maquillarte. (me encanta ducharme yo me podría quedar allí hasta estar arrugadita XD)

[ ] Sonríes muchísimo, mas de lo que deberías. (no hay de que tener cara de payaso todo el dia XD)

[ ] Tienes mas de 10 pares de zapatos. (no, mi pata grande gustos difíciles, cero dinero)

[ ] Te gusta usar vestidos cuando puedes. (Me gustan pero mi pierna celulitis XD, mi pierna peluda tb XD jajajaja )

[ ] Te gusta usar zapatos con taco. (Son hermosos tengo unos, pero sufro mucho)

[x] Jugaste con muñecas cuando chica. (y con complejo de Peter Pan ahora tengo muñecas de anciana *.*)

[ ] Te gusta maquillar a otros. (no me maquillo yo y maquillare a otros)

[ ] Te gusta ser el centro de atención en todo.

[x] El rosado es uno de tus colores favoritos. (shiii)

Total: 45%

YO:45% niña y 45% niño, el 10% se lo quedo diosito o puede ser 10% Sherk XD
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BJD Meme 1 y 2

5 min read
Despues de esas miles de veces con los memes de Harry Potter ahora hay uno de BJD, copiado a :iconartemiselani: y :iconforsakenchld:

1. How many dolls do you have?
Only two

2. What are their names? + 3. What are their molds?
Geneve - Luts Soo DF
Sirius - Luts Ethan SDF

4. How long have you been in the BJD hobby?
mmm since 2005, I don't remember exactly what time, but I bought my first doll on 2008.

5. Do you RP? If so, who is/was your favorite person to RP with?
I don't RP my characters, Sirius is the character from Harry Potter books and Geneve is his french girl friend that I invented in a FF

6. Who is/was your favorite character to RP with?

Thinking about my FF Sirius is my favorite character

7. How many dolls have you ever sold?
None, If I think in buying something I take me time to be really sure what I want.

8. Out of all of those, who do you miss the most?

9. What is your favorite thing in this hobby?
I love the little things, small shoes, clothed and everything.

10. Who is the first BJD that ever entered your house/that you ever saw in real life?
The first doll that I bought was Geneve, and the first doll that I saw was a DOC Zen

11. Who is the first BJD you ever fell in love with?
The first I really fell in love with was a Soo DF XD

12. What is the most you've spent on a doll (the actual doll itself)?
640 in Sirius, I don't want to calculate Geneve maybe she's most expensive

13. What is your favorite photoshoot/photo you ever took of any of your dolls?
Favorite picture, let me thing XD ...... (I'm really bad taking pictures)
Geneve New Eyes

14. What is your funniest memory with any of your dolls?
Funny?? I really don't remember.

15. What is your saddest memory with any of your dolls?
I start to thinking that I'm lack of feelings XD

16. Have you ever had a dream about your doll? If so, what was it about?
I had millions, always are some normal things, brushing their wigs making them pose, somethings like that, maybe I dreamed that one of them fell

17. Which BJD out of yours would you never sell in a million years?
I would rather not sell any of them, but if I'm on a some big problem I would sell Geneve because I could buy her again faster than Sirius.

18. Name one thing that makes you irked in the BJD hobby.
The people to think beeing better than others

19. Would you ever consider "leaving" the hobby?
Just leaving the crazy people. (artemiselani) <<<-- Me too

20. Who is the newest character you've thought up?
Isn't new, but I'm thinking in bring home James and Remus.

Other questions:

1. What is your favorite doll that you have and why?
My favorite that is really hard because they are my favorite girl and my favorite boy.

2. What is your favorite company and why?
I have to say that more than company I'd rather two sculptors the CP team (from Luts Delf and Fairyland) and Yuna(from Crobi, Senior Delf and Pixydoll)

3. What is your top 3 favorite molds and why?
Soo DF, Ethan SDF and Anais Volks

4. If you could get up to 5 dolls, which ones would you get and why?
1.- Koji LK/ I really love his smile and the manly face (the perfect James *o*)
2.- F-38 boy/ because he's sweet and manly (the perfect Remus *o*)
3.- Anais from Volks/ I love her lovely face!
4.- Yder CP/ He's a sweet gentelman!
5.- Dino Pixy/ Can be the perfect Regulus!!!

5. What is you favorite skin tone and why?
I like the normal skin, but my favorite it's the color of CP

6. What mold do you hate the most and why?
Hate? Well I don't like the DIM Minimee Dolls

7. On Deviant art, who are your top 5 to 10 favorite dolls and why? *name the owner of each doll and the dolls name*
Let me see XD.
Ibi from chunkymonkey000
Hati from yenna-photo
Midori from chibi-lilie
Fatty from artemiselani
Killian from sugar-coated-dolls
Edward from Kiosenpai
Iaiel from ForsakenChld
Anson from Babora

8. What is your favorite limited doll of all time?
For the all time I have to say Anais from Volks

9. What is your favorite brand of doll clothes to get for your doll and why?
The boots of Geneve and her new shoes I love the mini high heels

10. What is your favorite brand of wigs and why?
The wig of Sirius the color it's like the chocolate! Ñami!

El ocio es grande! XD, me gustaria poder ponerle un fondo más lindo a esta cuestion.
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Bueno me entusiasma esta nueva pagina, hace poco habia visto crear un grupo que si no era de Chile que fuera del foro Legion para muñecos BJD, y antes de hablarlo con Tahiel me lleva la invitacion XD, me encantaria que esto resulte y recibir las hermosas fotos de sus muñecos en los grupos.

deviantART Group Legion Latino America BJD
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Devious Journal Entry by FranciBlack, journal

Devious Journal Entry by FranciBlack, journal

Test copiado by FranciBlack, journal

BJD Meme 1 y 2 by FranciBlack, journal

Grupo del Deviant de Legion by FranciBlack, journal